Wednesday, December 30, 2009

it's the new year!

it's the new year eve! ;D

yes, new year is coming ahead! what are you looking forward to?

lol ! as usual, for me,
  • be a better person!
  • be more hardworking!
Haha! and my wish, hope form 4 is not that tough!

It's no honeymoon year ya know!

Okay, so what happened in the year 2009?
  1. got into Anggerik class, only student from 2 dahlia '08 D:
  2. getting pissed by the teachers that wanted Anggerik to get everything done perfectly
  3. been in the nerdiest and quietest class
  4. could say, i was one of those few who were quite slacking
  5. didn't get really good result in form 3
  6. didn't celebrate my birthday cos it's during the exams, got nothing from friends.
  7. went to Lorna Whiston for the 3rd year ... and the first time in afternoon class.
  8. sneaked out, after school of course, to ou =="
  9. changed shirt behind the car! don't worry, no naked scenes. :)
  10. skipped a lot of school to so called "study"
  11. slept too much during holidays, and slept too little during school days.
  12. sat for PMR examination. feeling nothing ?
  13. skipped school until school semester ended.
  14. went to Genting with Sab for the entire week WITHOUT PARENTS.
  15. went to the Outdoor Theme Park for the first time!
  16. being lifeless in the house for 2 months plus
  17. went out a few times with friends
  18. FAREWELL party for my bro!
  19. emotional breakdown. HAHA.
  20. pmr results came out. 6 A's 1 B ? a lot of people get that result.
  21. was so sad when i saw many people around me got straight A's for pmr.
  22. celebrated christmas @ Kin Shui Tei , Tropicana Club with family, and "god"grandmother, and Apple, my bro's girlfriend.
  23. got a new phone on christmas day, the Yari! XD
  24. regretted buying the phone, not that Yari was not good, but i really liked the nokia 5530!
  25. Sent my bro to the airport. He arrived Switzerland yesterday. =D
  26. today, new year's eve. celebrated countdown.
  27. preparing school.
Haha! Okay, I don't miss my bro, but... I hate to admit this, I know I will miss him one day!

Although he bullied me so much, and fought with him.. hehe...

this is him! LENG ZAI HOR!!

i don't deny the truth. XP but he's fat!!!!

I am so scared nowwwwww. Cos school is reopening soon... =(