Thursday, October 23, 2008


You are driving me insane. Can you please stop doing that?
I surrender! So please! What have you seriously done??
I don't know why! You treat me as your what huh?
I wanna know why, WHY ME?? Why is it me?? Tell me!
I don't want a life like this. Can you please repair it?
If you do, then I'll forgive you, for the LAST TIME.
I hate this! You get me, do you?

Oh well, result was such a dissapointment! I expected more.
Well, but I'm kinda satisfied with my seni scrapbook's mark!
Absolutely NOT drawing, But I got 26/30 for the scrapbook.
And and and, thank you to Lim Sze Wei! ==" I had to.
Cos he had explained the histories of the past to me and my friends.
This is a promise, I must get better for my history this time!
Hopefully an A, but I know it may not happen. So, at least a B. Duh.

Anyway, do you know the song Hot N' Cold sang by Katy Perry?
If you do, go check out the music videos on YouTube! It's kinda funny.
Hahaha, thanks to Fong Siew Hui also. She told me about this. =P

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